Power Cond-best? Hyrda? CFX? PP? Burm 948? others?

Has anyone compared the Hydra, PP or CFX to the Burmester 948 or the Accuphase? Power cords really change my system so I want to jump in with both feet here.

Powercords I like are Trans Ref, Fim Gold, Kimber Palladian 10. Tried the Viper v2, didn't like it in my system, but can easily see how others would.

If you go with a great conditioner like the Hydra or Burmester, do you need to go with top notch cords between the component and conditioner?

System is all BAT tube pre/amp/phono, Wilson wattpuppy 6's, DCS, Trans Ref cables. Thanks for your opinions...

Showing 1 response by jadem6

I agree with CFB on the dedicated curcuit first. I have tried the PP, Gray along with a list of others. The Hydra does great things for me, but my system is a quarter the cost of CFB's so it comes with "issues" I guess. Judging from youy system I thing you will find benifit but you can only answer that by trying. The Bat amps will be problematic in that the Hydra is rated to 1800 watts. I would suggest a dedicated curcuit for your amp(s) alone (FIRST PROJECT)and a second (SECOND PROJECT)for the front end. Try the Hydra on different front end components and see.