Power Cables you like with Merrill Veritas Amps

Several of us Veritas owners are wondering what other Veritas owners have found to their liking over the included TWL power cables.
Please describe what improvement you got with the cables you like and the cost so we can compare the cost benefit.


Showing 2 responses by triode_pete

First off, Paul Kaplan, formerly of Kaplan cable & now of Waveform, makes some great sounding cabling. I have no doubt his digital cable is outstanding.

With the Triode Wire Labs MA-10 (basically a "Ten Plus" cable), a fairly reasonable and very good sounding (with a certain price point) cable was included with the Merrill Audio Veritas amplifiers. Could a better designed power cable for the Hypex-based amps be made? ABSOLUTELY!

Since the introduction of the Veritas amps, I've worked on, developed & designed a digital power cable that renders an unmistakable improvement on Class-D amps, digital players and all digital video gear. I'm using a slightly different dielectric, different grounding layout as well as "state of the art" carbon fiber connectors (similar to the ones used on the Furutech FI-50M series (only $588 per pair! (for the connectors)) but better. These non-magnetic carbon fiber connectors were designed & engineered in the USA by my friend Ted Paisley from Wavelength Audio/Video. Everything listed above makes a noticeable difference for the good; more natural & analog sounding!

I plan on bringing some of these cables to AXPONA-Chicago in two weeks and plan on releasing this new digital power cable at the Capital Audio Fest in July...

Just providing my $0.02...

Hi Al, I'll probably have introductory pricing set around $499...

If you'd like to try a pair after I return from the Chicago-AXPONA show, shoot me a PM.
