Power Cables you like with Merrill Veritas Amps

Several of us Veritas owners are wondering what other Veritas owners have found to their liking over the included TWL power cables.
Please describe what improvement you got with the cables you like and the cost so we can compare the cost benefit.


Showing 6 responses by hifial

Hi Guido. Well I have not tried that many yet.

I tried an entry level non active Synergistic Research and that did not work. Made things closed in. I am sure the more expensive ones would workout for the better but at this time I am trying to have less cables in my system not more. I actually like and have owned several of their cables and power conditioner and would recommend that people try them.

I tried some (nameless) boutique power cables that over emphasized some parts and filtered others.

Funds are limited right now so it will probably be a few months before I can try that many.

That is one reason why I started this thread. I hope other Veritas owners post their findings.
Holy Cow Batman!! I forgot them!

Not that they sounded bad at all. They had a dark background and what I would call romantic leaning in the sound. I know many others love the P3 but while it has a nice sound I was not that impressed by it. And the P4 is way more costly. At that price there is a lot of very good sounding computation. Other club members felt the same way.
I would say they were not much, if at all, better then the TWL cables that Merrill includes with the Veritas. So good but not much of an improvement. Look somewhere else.

Now the HiDiamond D7 speaker cables are very good for the price. It has all the things you would want. A dark quite background, some romantic leaning but also has detail without being strident. Good dynamics top to bottom. I would call it a sleeper in the line.
I am selling the D7 speaker cables (two pairs with spades) so anyone who has an interest can PM me.

But I am auditioning a set of speaker and interconnects that I have high hopes for. But I can not say anything about them yet.


Ptheo, your are TOTALLY MISTAKEN. I never, ever recommended the TWL 7+ for the Veritas. Please DO NOT put words in my mouth. I, as some, have wondered what power cords OTHER then the TWL PC that come with the Veritas would improve upon the amps great sound.
Theo, No problem. However, I can see where someone could misconstrued my comments in the post of 1/26/13. While I feel that the TWL PC are great for the money, I have only tried the Ten+ on the Veritas. The 7+ were on other equipment, in other systems. So my bad in not being more clear. But as I said in that post TWL has a home trial, money back, so... Also in that post I did mention that the Veritas is PC "finicky". So definitely try before you buy. But that would be for just about any great amp.

On the Stillpoints Ultra SS. All I can say is YOU DID THE RIGHT THING! In every system that I tried the SS in with the Veritas amps ALL heard an improvement in sound. This is in a verity of system types.
Just make sure you install them properly otherwise you will not hear what they can do.

Oh, and thanks for the vote of confidence.
FYI. I had an opportunity to try several different Power Cables on my Veritas Monos over several weeks.

1) LessLoss
2) Triode Wire Lab
3) Waveform
4) A DIY

I found the LessLoss and the DIY cables to sound too Spotlight in their overall top to bottom sound. You heard everything but it was all at once. Like everything was being shouted at you. I found it a little overwhelming.
Also the tone of the instruments was a little lacking.

The TWL cable came across a little too warm and lacking in some details, almost soft. Not bad mind you.

The Waveform was a revelation. The tone of the instruments was spot on. There was deep base, the kind you feel. You heard everything but not at all being shouted at you. The imaging was very good without being artificial. It had better sound stage.
The Waveform Cable did all the things you want a cable to do.

In MHO you would have to spend a hell of a lot to better the Waveform Cable, and even then you may not better it. I am not saying there may not be a better power cable for the Veritas. Just that you would most likely have to spend a lot to better it.

I liked it so much I have ordered a pair.

Pete, that is great to hear. I would love the opportunity to try a pair. Do you have a price on them yet?