Power Cables

Any recommendations for power cables under $500 for 

Streamers or DACs?


Please tell me your reasons for any you recommend. 


Showing 6 responses by knownothing

@mikhailark my rudimentary understanding is that better power cables can help improve sound from digital equipment in several ways.  One is reducing resistance from the outlet to the IEC inlet, supplying current as needed, why OCC copper wire can sound different from OFC, and silver power cables and connectors can sound very different.  Another is keeping noise out of the power supply cable from surrounding cables, power supplies and processors. The last is keeping noise that might be generated in the digital device from interacting with other devices or cables, especially low level signal cables, along the length of the power supply cable in a system setup.

In even simple systems (by network standards), the performance of a power or signal cable is not just about the relationship of that piece of gear to the wall or the connected box, it is about the sum of interactions between power, digital and analog cables and whatever is going on in and around all the boxes they connect.  Computer networking logic does not necessarily apply in a consumer hifi setup because while significantly more complex in terms of components, none of the signals are critically important low or high level analog signals that degrade the moment they leave the electronics where they are generated or amplified.  

Hifi cabling is a system that can be optimized to achieve lower noise and more enjoyment.  But each cable application must be seen as a part of an overall system design.  Because there is no standardization from one hifi system to the next in the quality of the wall power, the performance envelope and isolation inherent in the individual boxes and wires used, and how closely the boxes and wires are arrayed in space, the only real way to optimize the cable system is through trial, error and success.  In my experience, this includes experimentation with power cables on the “computers” in your rack.  YMMV.


@trivema I own a few Blue Jeans cables and am currently using a long run of their HDMI wire from my AVR to my 4K TV with good results.  I have actually visited their shop and you are correct that their cables are “good stuff” and unlikely to fail.  While BJ cables are not the last word in audio performance, getting to a noticeable better level of performance can seem like a trip to wonderland.


@zlone thanks.  Any insights I might have are hard won.  The good part is that the “winning” always involved listen to music:-)

@mikhailark what is the point of using servers without analog components somewhere in the chain and nearby?  OK, powered speakers with wifi maybe.  For more traditional systems, there will be analog gear in close proximity to the server (and DAC).  Just saying, servers rarely exist in a digital vacuum, and cables and other potentially noisy boxes are in the neighborhood.

@zlone for clarity, is your statement below related to the direct effect of power cables on the digital and analog gear they are attached to, or the effects of power cables attached to digital gear affecting the performance of other gear in the same rack?

”But at least we agreed earlier that a power cord can make a difference where analog is involved, so they can make a difference. However for pure digital, without any idea how a power cord could affect it, but know they can have an affect on other components, I think we have to look at empirical evidence.”

My suggestion is that regardless of any impact after market power cables have or don’t have directly on a server/streamer, such devices are commonly (usually?) used in proximity and connected to other devices in your system and connected to the same power source, all of which could be affected by the digital device or the properties of the directly attached power cable.  The idea being the better that low level digital and analog signals and high level power cables isolate from each other, the better. Therefore, cables have both a device specific and system level function that are difficult to tease apparent in practice because it requires listening to everything hooked up and playing together in your rack and room and with your power source from the wall. Whether or not you hear a noticeable difference is the important test for whether the cost and hassle of optimizing power or any other cable is worth it.

FWIW on a related note, I modified my Bluesound Node by replacing the internal switching power supply with an external supply from Teddy Pardo and I am as certain as I can be that this improved the sound of digital playback from an attached SSD in my system. Can’t explain whether this is a component or system related effect. YMMV.



@zlone yes you did - thanks.  And glad you were able to improve your sound by making adjustments.