Power Cable Suggestions

Will be receiving used Mark Levinson No 436 monoblock amps and would appreciate power cord recommendations, preferabley under $500, or stick with the stock power cords.

Showing 4 responses by millercarbon

Oh how I wish it were only a couple thousand. To buy a Tesla- first you have to be so blind you can't see how none of the parts even fit together properly. Then you have to be so gullible you think they're charged by fairy dust instead of coal. It helps if you don't know the company never has turned a profit and builds their cars in a tent. Yes a tent. In a parking lot. You can't make this stuff up.

The answer of course is your Tesla will go 0-60 faster without the 50 lbs of dirt the incompetently designed body catches.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bj78E1dArdI Wonderful car. 
I was using an analogy in my post: power cord is to amplifier as gas pump hose is to car!

The most absurd and meaningless analogy I’ve read....power cord is to amplifier as gas pump hose is to car!

In fairness I did give him the chance to remove or edit. He chose to double down. Oh well.

Also in fairness, nobody really knows how or why these things work. Because if we did know how they work, then everyone would be focused on perfecting that one thing. Instead we have one story after another, one theory, design, material, construction after another, each one different than the last.

About the only thing we really do know for sure is when we find a good one it really does make a difference. A huge, unmistakable, well worth the money difference.

Which it turns out is the case for not just power cords but everything. Nobody really understands any of it very well, which is why we have so many different players trying so many different approaches.

Except, turns out most people don’t like to pay big money for that kind of ambiguity. So they make up stories to feed us, and we buy into it, and lose track of the fact those stories make about as much sense as the gas pump "analogy".

The one thing that would really make sense is to talk about the one thing we do know for certain is happening and can in fact describe and that is how these things sound. But that requires developing a whole skill set in terms of both what to listen for and how to describe it.

Sorry if that’s not brief or witty. It is however true.

psst, roberjerman, might want to remove that if there's still time because, not sure if you know, but Mark Levinson? Its an electronic amplifier for music, not an internal combustion engine car for driving. I know it can be hard with so many different technologies to keep them straight. Try thinking, gas, electrons. Oil, electricity. Wires, pipes. Whatever works. Its different for different people. But do try and find something. Otherwise its just really embarrassing when you come off not knowing the difference.
or stick with the stock power cords.

lol. ML. Freebie rubber PC. Good one.