Power Cable Suggestions

Will be receiving used Mark Levinson No 436 monoblock amps and would appreciate power cord recommendations, preferabley under $500, or stick with the stock power cords.

Showing 2 responses by lalitk

The most absurd and meaningless analogy I’ve read....power cord is to amplifier as gas pump hose is to car!

Pangea cords....I wouldn’t use them even if they were given to me free, enough said!


Sorry you had to endure the banter from one of the staunch cable naysayer this forum have seen.

Furutech, Cullen, Audio Envy, Signal Cables are the few I have tried in budget category. From my experience, you can’t go wrong with any if the aforementioned brands but my personal favorite is Audio Envy.

Good luck!

Try Zavfino Majestic PC. I have recommended this PC to @dalims4 recently and he was quite pleased with its performance on his server. 
