Power Cable for CDP

Hi all. For the last 2 years I’ve been using Oyaide Tunami 2 power cables on amps, CDP and power distributor. Anyone who knows these knows they they are an outstanding 10AWG OCC virgin copper cable. Sound can be best described as detailed, lush and FAT. Conceptually I get the need to feed a hi power amplifier with as much power as you can; usually only achievable with a heavy gauge power cable.

I’m considering using a lighter gauge cable (13AWG) for source and wondering if anyone has any experience in mixing cable gauges depending on equipment connected to the cable? Am I likely to get more speed, air, instrument separation etc?



You surely don’t need a 10 awg PC for a CDP.  It’s really more about what improvements/sound characteristics you’re looking for, and there’s a lot more to that than just awg.  Share with us what you’re looking for and you’ll get some great recommendations here. 

The only thing you'll get is less money in your bank account and likely some reinforcement of your confirmation bias. 

@mrskeptic +1

@chikin2000   No.  All sources require the maximum spend on power cords.  A good rule of thumb is to spend no less than three times the cost of the player.


@soix- thats a good question. More transparency really. Presently there is terrific pace, slam, detail the lot but served up with with lots of "weight". On the IC side, I have pure silver IC’s terminated with pure silver RCA’s so the weight isnt coming from the IC side.

A good while back I had used Blue Heavens and, with all their shortcomings, there was terrific transparency.

@mrskeptic - you’re hilarious