Power cable for Bryston

Hi all,

Posting this for a friend who recently picked-up this unit as part of a local gear purchase.

Question: For all past and present Bryston BCD-1 cd player owners, what power cables mate best with this spinner? 



Showing 1 response by alexatpos

I used to have that player, back in 2009. or so. I have tried few power cords on it and this is what I can say for certain. Nordost, not in a dream. I have tried Valhalla power cord and it was the most clinical sound I can remeber until this day. (even with Sonus Faber speakers). Synergistic Research, model Resolution Reference was fine, it sounded like more expensive player, but unfortunately not on many discs...Than, finally, Cardas Golden Reference was the best compromise....also depends what is the rest of the system ....if it is more bright or lively, than Bryston might be too much and than it needs to be 'tamed', perhaps with even 'darker' or 'fuller' cable...