Power Cable choices

I've been experimenting with different power cables to upgrade my stock cords. I demo'd a few from the cable co: Wireworld Siver Electra 7, LessLoss Original, and MIT Shotgun AC3. Out of these I liked the LessLoss best for my power amp, which is a class D amp. Since then, I picked up a nice set of older Voodoo power cables for my source equipment and power strip. I am using a Voodoo Mana on a Emotiva 6 port strip and Voodoo Silver Dragons on both CDP and DAC, both Emotiva's latest and greatest. I have a Voodoo Magneto for my Martin Logan Depth I subwoofer. Looking for a nice power cable for my Emotiva XPA-2 stereo amp. I have been considering the following:

1. AntiCables Level 2 performance power cord - 5ft for $230.
2. Voodoo Thunder power cord - 6ft for $525
3. LessLoss Original - 2m for $595

I am leaning towards the Voodoo simply because i'd have all my power cords from the same maker. I even use a digital coax ( SilverStream digital ) from Voodoo to connect my CDP to DAC. The speakers, Martin Logan Theos, are all connected with MIT Shotgun S3 interconnects (2 pairs) and bi-wire speaker cables. The only oddity is the USB cable that I intend to use on my MacBook Pro from Ridge Street Audio (Alethias 15ft run).

Any advice on choosing from the above 3 is greatly appreciated. This is my first post to the forums, so be easy on me :-).


Showing 1 response by plasmatech

I agree with your "leaning" and keep the flavors similar. Mixing cords can make things more complicated to decipher as to what is contributing/subtracting to the music.