Power cable break in?

This topic may cause a stir. But here go's. I have been experimenting with upgraded power cords moving on from my Shunyata Black Mamba's (original version) I have had about 20 years. I was thinking that surely there have been some advancements since then. Research told me to try some Wireworld Silver Electra 7's on front end digital components.  I retired 2 Black Mambas with the Silver Electra 7's on my DAC and CD Transport. I had earlier replaced an entry level Shunyata with a Electra 7 on my DDC unit. Because I just returned with my newly updated and upgraded VAC Cla 1 MK III preamp I was not sure what was doing what but it was all better sounding. Well the two new power cords did improve over time as they broke in, primarily in transient quickness, soundstage size and inner detail with a more delicate top end. But that's not the reason I am making this post. What I did next was found a Synergistic Reference Master coupler to try for a great price, it was a classic and I had found in my research that a writer from TAS had one on his VAC Cla preamp as his reference. When it arrived I pulled my Black Mamba off the pre amp and placed this very stiff PC on. What happened next is that the music had more impact, dynamics and punch, however the bass although more pronounced as a bit too bloated and lacked the pitch definition compared to the Black Mamba. But damn the dynamics and attack were undeniable! What I want to do is stick this PC on something that is on all the time and give it some burn in time. But it's stiffness' is so far preventing that and I cannot get it angled to properly plug it into a linear power supply I have. Is it possible that this PC over some time will maybe lose the Bass bloat and settle down with better pitch definition? (I didn't really experience that type break in with the Wireworld Silver Electra 7 PC's that I remember, they kinda filled in over time)  If it does become refined than it will be a great match for the pre amp. I just don't think it's wise to leave the pre amp on all the time maybe a few days? I usually turn it on in the morning and turn it off when I am finished several hours later. Pre amp tubes have good life and I have more back ups so maybe 48-72 hours non stop so I can try. What's my chances the bloat will disappear with refinement?


Showing 2 responses by carlsbad

I googled the Synergistic Research Master Coupler and it appears it is no longer in production.  So you bought it used?  It has thousands of hours on it.  Does time in a shipping box reset the break in period on a cable?  What should I do in handling my cabes to avoid resetting the break in period?  Is there a reset switch?


Got it.  If you coil up your cables it take 24 to 48 hours to re-break them in.