Potential relief for tinnitus?

Just came across this article. While I don't suffer from this myself, I have read posts from others who do. Hopefully some good will come out of this discovery.

Tinnitus treatment


Showing 2 responses by nonoise

My mild case of tinnitus can go unnoticed mostly all year round but this and the last year have been bad due to whatever the hell it is that's going around during flu season that's not the flu or Covid. 

It settles into one's sinuses causing pressure, enough to make your ears pop every  time you swallow. It sounds like someone's snapping their finger in your inner ear. Try going to sleep with that going on. 

Anyway, all that pressure in the head and ears seems to amplify the tinnitus to really bothersome and irritating levels. I feel really sorry for anyone who experiences these types of symptoms all year round. All the doctor recommended was to use Flonase, Nasacort, or whatever works to relieve the pressure and it kinda works, but not to the extent I'd like. It just makes it bearable. 

All the best,

Can't wait for it to come in a pill. To paraphrase Cher, if it came in a bottle, everyone would use it. 

All the best,