@dynacohum LOL
There's no such thing as a free lunch, or TANSTAFL from Heinleins masterpiece "The Moon is a harsh mistress". Most people on "hear" have more audio gear but I will claim to be one of the top sufferers of tinnitus.
As there no real understanding of its origins it's hard to find a cure. I got mine at twenty from not using hearing protection. One single event doomed my left ear forever (I am 60). Using a signal generator app I found mine is about 3000 hz. It is LOUD. People cannot believe I hear it as long as I am awake. Not in dreams which seems to common among people on those threads.
It is worse than hearing loss imo. The tone masks anything lower in volume. I would not rather hear in that range than ALWAYS hear something. Sometimes it morphs into a eaten cassette or a million birds. I have no doubt it is bad for my brain. I could go to the said Moon and never know silence.
Saves on cables ;) though always look UP
Good listening