Possible Speaker Damage cause by Vinyl?

My first post, here goes:

I was playing a record rather louder than normal listening level (11:00 on volume dial). After the song was over I went to cue UP the arm and I forgot to turn the volume down and obviously heard a loud "thump" sound. The woofers jumped a bit, not extrme, extreme excersion but they sure did move. Can this cause machanical damage to the speaker at all? I'm thinking the speaker can handle such a thing but just out of pure paranoia, I want to make sure with you guys.

Thanks for any help,
I'd agree with Marakenetz. I'll add, if they sound fine, then they are fine. I just wouldn't make a habit of it...
Voice Coils I thought can only be harmed by Thermal overload, ie, an amplifier clipping. Correct me if I'm wrong but to harm a voice coil would need heat for long periods of time.
Speaker damage can loosely be catagorized into two broad categories: thermal damage & mechanical (mainly excursion) damage. Dropping a tonearm on a record at high amplification will produce extreme excursions or pulse in a woofer where a voice coil can hop out of its gap & miss when it tries to return generally damaging itself in the process. This is unlikely (although I did it once in my youth w/ a 250 watt amp and a JBL 12" woofer). However esp with older speakers large excursions can stress & damage the suspension components - the spider & esp the foam surrounds which sometimes age rather poorly.
This happened every second in the middle sixties to middle seventies,especially in CA...wasnt a problem as I remember,but nothing you want to get good at..Bob