Possible issues with Marantz CD player

I have a Marantz CD player,  CD 6004.  Lately, I  hear  a loud  burst of  static when playing CDs. It is random, and intermittent rather than a constant buzz.  Quite pronounced. Not a hum or buzz from light dimmers or TV or the like. 
Sounds more like a skip in the CD,or like the sound a tuner would make if you were changing stations and lost the signal.  A loud squawk.  

I have tried, but so far cannot replicate it with vinyl.

It has occurred with three different CD, usually on the first song. Then it will usually play the rest without incident.

Possibly some problem with the laser?

We have two large, active German Shepherds, so I thought we might have had a tail-strike to one of the speakers.  I took the dust cover off the speaker, examined the woofer visually for tears or deterioration.
These are Klipsch Heresy IIs, so the tweeter and mid range are pretty well protected.  It looked OK, and if it were the the speaker, I'd expect to be able to replicate the issue with vinyl. 

I also checked the speaker connections, at the speaker, and at the amp. Seemed solid. 

CD player is maybe 5 years old or so, pretty much bulletproof until this, assuming it  actually is  a problem the CD player. 

Anyone had a similar issue with CD players?  Or picking up random noise in the system somewhere else?

Honest answer, a little less than last month:) 
We are trying to close on a house with some land, so holding other expenses in check .

Given I play much more vinyl than CD,  when I am in the market,  prefer to top out around $1500 for a front load, single play machine, with onboard DAC.

If it played SACDs as well,  might pay a bit more. Ditto a five year warranty.

An update:  after running the lens cleaner a second time, it has been on good behavior.  Knock on wood. 

I have an sa-7s1 that does the same thing occasionally. Sounds like a short burst of static or a short. Only seems to happen on silver faced discs. I’ve never had it happen on any of my gold dics. I did all the regular checking and changing out pieces including my back up spinner and it only happens on the 7. I’m hesitant to try the cleaning disc because Marantz says they do not recommend them. It’s probably the laser failing but for now I’ll just stick to my gold discs.
That is exactly the sound I experience.  Random bursts.
Almost all my discs are silver faced. I'd have to try a gold one and see if it made a difference.

I was unaware Marantz discouraged the cleaner.  Come to think of it, I did not experience the problem until after I ran the cleaner through it.  Good reason not to try fixing what isn't broken, perhaps.

But . . . after the problem surfaced, the cleaner seems to provide at least a temporary fix. I run the cleaner, the problem goes away for a while. 

Worse comes to worse, I can move my Sony from work, back to the home system until I replace the Marantz.

Disappointing about Marantz, because the sound quality is pretty darn good to my ears, and especially so for what I paid for it. . 

If your gold discs are playing fine, I probably would not run a cleaner through it. Might be something wonky about their lasers or even the way they mount them that the cleaner brushes aggravate. 
If they started acting up too, then the cleaner seems to give a temporary respite, for me at least.