Possibile new Integreated recomendation

Been thinking of a final change (or should I change?) to go with my ARC CD 3 and Apogee Slant 6 speakers. I want to stay integrated (current is Classe CAP 151). I have been looking at Jeff Rowland Concentra (w/o phono) but was wondering if there was suggestions as to other possibile "magical" match? It has to be SS, and my musical interestes are; soft rock, jazz, blues and new age. Can't spend too much, I've got a limit of around maybe $2500 (give or take). opinions are welcome.

Showing 1 response by timrhu

I went from the CAP-151 to a Bel Canto eVo2i two years ago. It was a big improvement IMO. Got me off the upgrade path.