portishead, goldfrapp, looking for more ......

I am looking for female vocals that are warm smooth and sexy coupled with electronic music like portishead and goldfrapp. Does anyone have any recommendations? thanks for the help

Showing 1 response by jfacker

I love that stuff too. My recommendations are Olive (about as poppy as I'll go but I love it), the last two EBTG albums Walking Wounded and Temperamental, Lamb (harder, weirder), Morcheeba (dyn-o-mite!), Hooverphonic, and the first record from Babyfox, "A Normal Family," which is dubby but extremely cool. Massive Attack also has some tunes like you're talking about but I find most of the time they're a little too dark for me. As far as smooth and sexy, it doesn't get much smoother or sexier than Vanessa Daou. Her latest "Make you love" is great IMHO but the music is less electronic than some of the others...
