Pop Picks or Best HDMI AV Proc under $1500...
Hello All,
As I'm considering going to a dedicated AV surround processor which has HDMI 1.3 I thought to ask here which maker provides great audio, very nice video and for a reasonable price around $1500, new or used.... maybe less.
Mandatory items:
State side support
Remote control
HD audio & video codecs
Audio only needs be way good
RCA outs
Trigger outs
2nd zone support w/vol
back panel layout should have adequate space for better ICs
a tuner would be nice but not a deal breaker
I've seen the proposed EMOTIVA PROCESSOR due out a couple months ago but has yet to be released. Never heard it or know anyone who has.
I see the Integra & Onkyo models too. But haven't delved deeply into them. I have an Onkyo TX SR 805 now and hope to improve upon it with this move.
Any other's come to mind which do fine jobs and present very good value to performance ratios?
Do the processors of the same brand recievers do a better job by some good ways over the associated recievers they maike?
Thanks for your help