Poor Fritz

There’s no better value and no one as willing to make bespoke speakers out there than Fritz and these forums treat his speakers as if they cost $200K.
They don’t. They are remarkably affordable and yet potential customers put him through the absolute ringer, asking for custom features, going through 2 or 3 models of home auditions and maybe not even buying any of them.

Look, you buy what you want to buy, but I think not enough credit is given to the man or his speakers in terms of the overall value proposition and I think this is a disservice overall.  If you write a 5 page review, please keep this very much in mind that you are not reviewing Wilson or Focal's flagships.  Maybe he doesn't deserve quite the same scrutiny.


Showing 5 responses by roxy54

When will members stop responding to his idiotic posts as if they're serious? All of this time and you still don't realize that you're giving him the attention that he craves?  
Just so you know, I very courteously suggested the same thing about a week ago, and my post was removed by the moderators. I have no idea why they would defend him. 
Do you ever tire of the same old nonsense? Apparently not. And when I dare to criticize it, my post is removed.
Right on Duke! 
Besides that, the cabinets on the Madisound speaker had cabinet walls only 18mm thick, and Fritz uses a special crossover. Customers pay for his thought and experimentation, and the results speak for themselves.
The first time it was a mistake (unless you were trying to be funny); now it’s just rude, and not funny.