Pontus, Brooklyn+ or Benchmark 3? Pros and Cons

I’m interested in upgrading my current DAC, a Benchmark 1, to one of: a) Denafrips Pontus;  b) Brooklyn DAC Plus;  c) Benchmark 3   I am currently using my Benchmark 1 without a preamp, streaming TIDAL from a Bluesound Vault, and would like to continue that setup. I realize this will mean I’d need to add volume control to the Pontus, but that shouldn’t be a big problem. Other than that, have any of you heard these three DACs (or 2 of the 3), so you could give me your impressions on how they compare? Amp is a newly refurbished McCormack DNA-1 Gold (with Gravity Base Jr and other add-ons; love this amp) and speakers are Usher Mini-Dancer Two’s.

Showing 2 responses by jjss49

of those 3 i would pick the pontus, it is the most 'organic' sounding of the bunch imho

^^^ never mind what i said earlier, above

you like solid state sound... mytek or benchmark is more up your alley... or chord... 

of those 3 i would pick the pontus, it is the most 'organic' sounding of the bunch imho