Polling Integrated Amp & Vinyl Users

Just curious how many of you use a separate Phono pre-amp vs. the Phono section of your Integrated? I have an Anthem STR IA which has turntables plugged into both the MM & MC Phono inputs. I have a myriad number of cartridges. I have no complaints with the sound. To my ears, it’s a really nice Phono stage that does include some adjustable gain. 

The compactness of an IA is what I like about them. No fuss, no muss. Less of everything. And yet! I do think about getting a separate Phono pre just for grins. Always wanting to compare. Wanderlust. 

I’m going to resist the urge at this point in time. Perhaps another day. Not that hard a decision when I’m happy with what I’ve got. 

Are you using your Integrated as intended? Or are you using separate boxes, i.e. phono, DAC’s etc. to complement your sound? 

I use the built in phono stage on my Yamaha A-S2100 with great results.  It lacks some adjustability, but the MC section sounds really nice with my AT 0C9XSL.  No built in DAC on the Yamaha, so I use an external one.
I use the built-in MM phono pre-amp in my Rega Elicit-R. Seems to work well with my Ortofon 2M Blue. I think it sounds great, and no fuss........
my integrated amp is just that..no dac no phono
the way I like it.....upgrade dac/phono as I see fit..int amp is fine
I use a rega phono amp with my rega P3..but will be going to an EAT petite glo next
I bought an integrated amp (Bel Canto c5i) for one of my systems to keep things simple and compact. No reason to do otherwise.  
I connect to the phono jacks on my Rotel RC-990BX preamp, which is switch-selectable  for MM or MC cartridge. I just bought a Marantz Model 1060 integrated amp for an all-vintage basement system, and I'll connect to the phono jacks there as well.