Policy changes at The Music Room TMR Audio

TMR has made a few changes to their policies which may interest folks.

Warranties for used gear is now 90 rather than 45 days.

Trial period is now 30 rather than 14 days.

There is now a restocking fee of 5%. Their rationale for this makes sense and seems reasonable. It would be nice if there could be exceptions to the restocking fee, such as cables and other products which don't need extensive checking for quality control. One result of this policy is that there is some more costly gear I would have tried but now am reluctant. I suppose that’s just a personal admission. 



Showing 3 responses by jjss49

the policy changes seem imminently reasonable to me... tmr is a good outfit, always had good dealings with them

as some have mentioned, it is important to see an issue as this from both the consumer and business perspectives

much of the commentary has naturally been from a user perspective - witness @hilde45's calculations

when you have been involved in and run businesses, particularly retail businesses, you have an appreciation of the costs to do that business -- it is not free for a business to provide a return policy to customers... the earnings of the business need to support this valuable offering provided... 


good job calling out that poster... i have noticed he is especially negative and nasty in most of his comments

perhaps he will grace us with his absence from here forward