Anyone with experience of these two brands?
The models i am interested in are as follows,
PMC MB-2/IB-2 "vs." ATC SCM 50/100/150
(also the active versions)
Compaired head to head, the same electronics (if not active), room aso..
I know the PMC is a transmission line speaker but what about ATC?

Cw, I can't compare to the ATC SCM7s. but I feel that the Green Mountain Audio Europas would make a good nearfield studio monitor, especially for the money. Their only problem is that they have a very low WAF.
There are a few speakers that really caught my attention and these are: Genesis 2, Eggleston Andra II, ATCs (from SCM 50 upwards) and SF Extremas (more for the looks though but when driven by my Antileon Signature, sounds great as well). Unfortunately, I wasn't so much impressed by the PMC (driven by Bryston).
pmc's are consistantly outstanding throughout the line, though pretty much the 'imf' or 'tdl' of today.

I agree PMC's are good.

the atc is still a brand searching for a sound, a personality, a classic design or two. way overpriced for the same detailed midrange you pretty much get from any 30 to 40 year old jbl.

I think you have ATC or "Acoustic Transducer Corporation" mixed up with someone else. ATC designs have hardly changed in 25 years. They are certainly not "searching for a sound". They make there own drivers. They are used in many top recording studios across the world (Telarc, Mark Knopfler, Pink Floyd, Tom Petty, The Mastering Lab and many others ...both sound engineers and artists). A large portion of the music and movies you buy will be mixed or mastered on ATC. ATC User List

You may not like ATC sound and that is understandable and your perogative, but at least get your facts straight in your critique. These are not "any old JBL" speakers.
haha... Just stumbled across this thread to read the comments on the ATC Active 20s I just bought. I know something that is certain is that these speakers are very far from sharp, in fact it kinda sound laid back on many recordings and forward on just as many recordings which goes to show how transparent and neutral they are. I for one am very okay with rising treble response ermm.... take for example I have many B&O active loudspeakers and kinda like their crisp voicing. The ATCs may sound very light weight on most recordings but it sure doesn't mean that it has a shallow bass response- sometimes when I watch movies with them, they surprise me with their strength and speed in the deep bass region. They managed to add lots of texture to the bass region and that says a lot about the quality of the bass.
With those being said, I think the ATCs are not perfect- they are just not as fun and enjoyable as normal hifi speakers.
This is so interesting! I have to applause brizon observation for PMC vs ATC! I have to bring this posting up after 10 years! The observation still stays for PMC and ATC speakers even in the year of 2018! I like both speakers... each have very different strength and sound stage. Hence, depending on which recording, genre, Some will sound better in PMC and some will sound better in ATC. It is natural as some recording studio uses PMC as their master reference and some uses ATC. I believed that sound engineer and music producers will always want their songs to sound its best in which ever recording studio they use to master the recording.