PMC Fact 3 with hegel h160 or accuphase 350

i use pmc fact 3 with hegel h160
the result is quite good, but sometimes the sound is too precise and little emotional.
I would like change it with a accuphase 350 
is it a good couple with my pmc fact 3?


Showing 1 response by samac

Although I haven't heard it I'm sure the Accuphase would be great and unless your room is huge and open 100 quality watts should be fine.

Two other amps to consider would the Marantz PM11S3 and the Yamaha A-S2100. They, along with the Accuphase have a reputation of being a bit warmer and smoother with a big full sound. Musical Fidelity also has a fuller warmer signature. Good luck.

