PMC Fact 3 with hegel h160 or accuphase 350

i use pmc fact 3 with hegel h160
the result is quite good, but sometimes the sound is too precise and little emotional.
I would like change it with a accuphase 350 
is it a good couple with my pmc fact 3?


Showing 2 responses by mechans

Why did you choose that particular Accuphase?  If you have heard it then you will know if it is a good match for you and your speakers.  I don't think that the Accuphase will have any problems driving your PMCs.  Whether you like the results no one but you can say.
Accuphase has an especially rich full mellifluous tone that the Hegel does not.  Hegel leans in that direction but isn't close. If you like a more analytical sound that is not a bad thing.