PMC 24 and Canalis Cambria two way floorstanders; What is the advantage to this design?:

I recently noticed several 2 way floor standers, in particular, the PMC.24 ($6000 retail) and the Canalis Cambria  at $5000 retail.  Pro-AC and  Spendor also offer a few 2 way floorstanders

Is there any advantage to a 2 way floor stander  to a 3 way system??

I am aware that less drivers and crossovers, and a slimmer cabinet "usually" provide better sound quality; However, the retail prices of the above don't seemed to represent "good value".

Thank you, S.J. 


Showing 5 responses by ps

I think that choosing speakers is perhaps the most difficult task. Over time I've learned a few things that work for me.

1- Decent speakers can sound pretty darn good when powered by excellent electronics.

2- "Great" speakers can sound pretty darn awful when powered by mediocre electronics.

3-Auditioning speakers, even at high-end audio salons, yields just a taste of what they can or cannot deliver.  It's only when one takes them home, and lives with them, that one begins to understand.  

4- The room is a very important component, often overlooked.

I read many reviews and so-called buyer's guides of numerous speakers before I made my choices.  Since then I've spent months dialing in what I have.  I love the journey but I also enjoy arriving a favorable end of said journey.  My goal is to enjoy music in my home- I'm there.  Thankfully.

I understand that "better" speakers exist. At this point I don't care.   :)

FYI: I have Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M's and Magnepan .7's.  Completely different designs and both are completely enjoyable depending on my mood and the weather outside.

Here are my final thoughts:

There's nothing "problematic" about Magnepans unless you object to their physical appearance, and expect the kind of bass that a 3-way dynamic speaker might provide.  There's a lot of plain bunk on the internets about Maggies.  IMO they're one of the least expensive ways to get into high-end speakers.

My listening space is similar to yours only smaller- 11x13 and the back wall opens to the living room and the inside wall has a doorway to the adjacent kitchen.  My .7's are about 4' from the front wall and about 10" from the side walls.  They sound fantastic. I run an all-tube system.  Wall of sound!  :)  Depth. Tactile.  And my cats don't mess with 'em.

Magnepans are arguably easier to position than many dynamic speakers due to their bipolar design which minimizes side wall reflections.  I found myself experimenting more with the Sonus Faber monitors to get them optimally positioned.

Here's my best tip:

If you want a completely killer system,  purchased new, for under $1000 bux, get a pair of Magnepan MMG's and a pair of Andrew Jones 8" powered subs.  Put one sub in one of the front corners and the other on a diagonal in a rear corner.  You won't believe what you'll be hearing.  Seriously.  Absolutely 100%  guaranteed.  :)  

Over and out.