pls recommend some "entry level" tube amp options?

hi again friends, as noted in my other threads i am obviously very new to the audio scene, and am realizing that i am in over my head, and have a lot of reading and research ahead before even owning some tube amplifiers.

was just hoping someone could perhaps give me some good suggestions, brand/manufacturer-wise, that are appropriate for someone looking to get into tube amplification systems? i'm budgeting myself at nowhere more than $1500 USD for these first amps, keeping in mind that i might move up to higher-priced options in the near future after 'wetting my appetite' w/ these initial units... was hoping to go w/ a pair of monoblocks so would be especially in any more suggestions along those lines for potential first-buyer models, but any input for models or brands that would be good for me would be greatly appreciated, i am eager to get an order in as my new speakers are arriving next week.

just for reference for any who might be kind enough to suggest some actual models that might , the loudspeakers in question are detailed below, and the application of these speakers and amps will be in my home office... the room in question is 13ft by 18ft (measured tonight!), and the speakers will be arranged on the longest wall, w/ my computer desk centered. speakers will be placed 1.5m-2m from listening position (my chair).

while i do listen to all kinds of music (from classical to rap, and everything in between) i will not be expecting any very high volumes from whatever amplifiers i go w/ initially, so if you could please keep in mind when suggesting amplifiers... i'd rather have quieter and better quality sound than lower quality but high volume! i will not need a preamplifier w/ this setup, i will be using balanced analog output from a computer system (Octane2), i've been trying to avoid 'integrated' options as i look at amplifiers.

here are my loudspeaker specifications..:

RBH Sound 61-SE bookshelf loudspeakers (

Frequency Response: 45Hz-20kHz (+3dB)
Sensitivity: 87dB (2.83V @ 1 Meter)
Power Handling: 150 Watts
Drive Units: (1) 6 1/2" Aluminum Woofer, (1) 1" Silk Dome Tweeter
Tweeter Protection: Yes
Crossover Frequency: 2700Hz
Crossover: 12dB/Octave
Impedance: 8 Ohms

thx in advance for any recommendations for a "first-time buyer" like myself, i know i'll be breaking down in holding off purchasing something at random as it gets closer to my loudpseaker delivery late next week... i cant wait to be enjoying tube audio soon, i only got a taste of the wonderful sound recently for the first time and cant wait to enjoy it here at home where i spend a good 10 hours a day in.

thanks again for the friendly advice and feedback i have had here in these fora from everyone, much appreciated and nice to find on the internet these days in faceless forum. cheeers all..!

Showing 2 responses by jb0194

Hi Daisho!

Bill Baker of Response Audio (
has a MingDa MC88 integrated amp for sale at $800. Unlike most so-called tube integrateds, this unit has a true active preamp stage, not just a passive volume pot. The additional gain from the active preamp stage plus 40-50W/channel output(depending on whether you use 6550, KT88 or KT90 power tubes)should be more than needed to drive your speakers to very hi volumes in the room you describe. As a new tube owner, you'll have a unit that gives you the full tube sound (pre and power amps) in a single unit that you'll not lose much money on (if any) should you later decide to move up the ladder of quality. The stock Ming Da units sonically are a real bargain for the price (I also own an Art Audio Jota 300B amp so I know how expensive tube gear compares) and look classy without the gaudy "23rd century sci-fi" (IMO) look of many other Chinese brands.

The power tube flexibility lets you try the different types later on if interested (my favorites are ElectroHarmonix KT88s and EI Type 2 KT90s).

Bill is a great guy who's there to help with any questions/issues, something impossible to guarantee if buying used from a private party.

My recommendation comes from having both bought a used amp from Bill (ASL MG15-DT) and also having him mod two Ming Da tube preamps (MC-7Rs) as well as a pair of Ming Da monoblocks (MC-805A).

The $700 you'll save from your max budgeted will buy a nice CDP or lots of music.

Best wishes whatever your decisions.
Just visited the RBH website. I like the combo of silk dome tweeter and aluminum woofer. Should be flexible performers for most musical genres if paired with tubes.

Good luck!