Plinius Speaker Recommendation

I have a 9200 integrated currently running to a pair of very old Monitor Audio MA4's. Surprisingly good sound, but now time to upgrade this final item (sources are a Linn LP12 and Mission Cyrus CD). With the upgrade, need to acknowledge that the listening room is a rather large 35 x 25 x 10 ft high . . . . wooden ceiling, carpeted with windows/gyproc on walls.

While I'm at it, the carpeting will be going this summer. Currently trying to find a happy medium in a 'pet friendly' floor (non-carpet) that won't create harsh/echoing sound. Open to any and all suggestions, as you can see by my system, the Plinius aside, I haven't considering upgrading in a long, long time.

How about cork flooring ?
I too am looking for a pet friendly floor and am considering cork . Haven't checked into what "pet accidents" will do to the finish applied to the cork but the cork itself is supposed to be impervious to liquids .

If not cork , the only other option is a decorative finish and industrial sealer applied to my concrete slab . Then use area rugs . You didn't state what type of subfloor that you have .

Good luck .
plinius works well with a lot of speakers: Dynaudios, Harbeths, Spendors, Totem, Sonus Fabers.
Just play around with the speaker cables and you are all set.
Have had very good experience with my 8200 MK2 with Tyler Linbrook System 2s
Shahinian and Plinius are a match made in Heaven. I would look at the Obelisk, Hawk or Diapason. With such a large room the Hawk or Diapason would be best if listening at loud levels. If not, the Obelisk would be a very sweet and musical combo. Call Shahinian and ask.