Plinius SA102, single versus mono?


I use Plinius SA102 amp partnered by AA Capitole MKII, SE and B&W N802. As most of us, I try to get utmost of the system, still thinking of 802's to "sing" to their full potential.
Has anybody experienced running Plinius SA102 with stereo and then 2 x SA102 in mono configuration? I just wonder how much the extra spare power enables more pronounced articulation with mids and high's. Is it worth of the effort, and how compared to Plinius SA 250 MKIV?

Showing 1 response by aboldor

This is most likely not what you were thinking about, but it's definitely someting worth considering, IMO. Use the SA-102 in stereo to power the upper range of the speakers, and add a Bryston amp for the bass drivers. You may have to get a "pro" version Bryston amp, or find a way to match the gain of the two amps (attenuators?) but IMO it would be a great combination. (I own an SA-102 and used to own a Bryston amp).