Plinius Int 9200 or McIntosh 6600 for Dynaudio C1

Hi, I'm looking for used integrated amplifier to drive Dynaudio Confidence C1. Any one ever try to use Plinius 9200 or McIntosh 6600? Thanks.
The C1's are rated at 85 dB, so they like their power. See if you can audition a Luxman integrated.

Also, I heard the C1's at a show where Wadia used them with their digital gear and matched it with some tube gear from Octave and it sounded stellar.
I have the C2300 and MC402. I owned the Dynaudio Special 25's, and had the C1's for audition. Excellent, excellent sound. I also use that amp & pre combo with merlin TSM's with wonderful results.
I went with the 6600 but had problems with it right out of the box: triggered protection circuit after 15 minutes and shut down. I ended up with the McIntosh C2300 with great EAT tubes and an Mcintosh MC402 amp that the guys at Audioclassics benched at a solid 448 watts per channel. There's a warm slow sound to the amp which I like most of the time, and at other times years for the punch and vitality of the Sanders Magtech SS amp which I was using for a while. Any one have experience with McIntosh MC402 with the Dyn Confidence 1's?
Sorry for jumping in!
I think Dynaudio use to demo with Audio Moon.
Have you considered the Audio Research DSI200? Lots of power to drive the C1's.
So which amp did you go with? Have not heard the 9200, have heard a Plinius amp, quite nice. Certain you can't go too far astray with either, but I would choose the Mac and in fact did.
03-11-11: Inpieces
Kiwi, I don't see why a better CDP should solve what Noelpastor described?
The Plnius amp has a specific sound, i rather invest in a better amp than another CDP.

A better CDP was not the point I was trying to make. Nothing wrong with the Accuphase per se. The point is that one often hears descriptions of "amplifier sound" which in many instances is really more correctly attributable to the character of the upstream hardware.
The Accuphase DP500 that I have may be slightly on the warm side of neutral, but only very slightly. It is also quite resolved. I have other CDPs at my disposal including the well regarded CAL Alpha-Delta (heavily modded and NOS retubed). While the souped-up CAL is very good, the DP500 is more accomplished all around.

To me the only way to compensate the darkish pairing of the 9200 and C1 is to feed it with a really bright CDP.
Kiwi, I don't see why a better CDP should solve what Noelpastor described?
The Plnius amp has a specific sound, i rather invest in a better amp than another CDP.
I had the C1 with Plinius 9200 and DAC1 USB. The 9200 performed fairly well and gave the C1s adequate juice for my rather large room. I thought it was a bargain for its price, but the C1s deserve even better if you can afford it. The sound was neutral and very transparent, although the Dac1 still exhibited that midrange dryness that I disliked cuz the danes don't lie. :) It's going to be an amazing system if your source has a sound to your liking.
Haven't heard the McIntosh before.
02-08-11: Noelpastor
I used to drive my C1 with a Plinius 9200 and Accuphase CDP. It was decent synergy, but not exactly great. The C1 has a touch of darkish, warm sonic character. When paired with a warmish amp like the 9200 may push it to the edge, and you'll end up using cables to compensate the tuning.

Noted but I can't help but think that the experience might also have been different if a more neutral and higher resolving CDP with a bit more air was used.
These truly represent almost polar opposites in sound.
The Plinius is a good to very good integrated amplifier. It's on the white/dry side of sound, accurate with good bass, lacking in the hashy upper mid that the Krell has, and more like, much more like the Classé integrated.
The Mac, and I've been to McMasters training, and am a graduate of that austere group...saw it made, analyzed what they're doing.
Mac makes an honest if not a bit misleading product. I DON'T like that they rate their products into 4 ohms insted of 8 like EVERYONE ONE THE PLANET does. This causes universally misleading conclusions. Not hard to imagine.
The Mac is softer, slightly, slightly slower sounding, with a more spongy sounding bass line. The bass has heft, but not as true of a tonality. The bass is rewarded though, with a very quiet and interestly diminsional.
Overall, I'd say, I prefer the Mac, though if they'd's sort of like, "Gee Scarlett Johansenn, please do a tawdry movie, JUST ONCE....we love your bod....
Hope this makes sense and is not offensive.

I use the 9200 for my Volent VL-2's and my friend has the 9200-> C1s. Unfortunately I haven't heard the 6600's with the C1s or the Volents, but they were the original first choice for both of us. The plinius sounds much warmer sound that seemed to emit more emotion than the 6600's. Of course, we heard the McIntosh paired with totem speakers but both of us were sure enough to go with the 9200.
I used to drive my C1 with a Plinius 9200 and Accuphase CDP. It was decent synergy, but not exactly great. The C1 has a touch of darkish, warm sonic character. When paired with a warmish amp like the 9200 may push it to the edge, and you'll end up using cables to compensate the tuning.
I have heard the Plinius 9200 and Dynaudio C1 and thought they made a good pairing. Unable to comment on the Mac.
I drive my C1s with Rortel RB990. I am the guy of the old school considering there is better more power for bigger dynamic. Plinius and McIntosh has the same power output, McIntosh has lower THD. McIntosh enjoys biger reputation. What are prices on the second-hand market?
McIntosh 6600 hit the power guard on C1s in my experience. BAT was the best match I found.