Plinius class A vs. class AB sound difference?

I am considering purchasing a Plinius amp. I have read that many audiophiles do not hear a difference in an SA100 when it is switched between class A and Class AB modes of operation. If this is indeed the case, then would a Plinius 8200p (power amp; not the integrated) which is supposedly the same class AB circuitry found in the SA100, sound identical to the SA100?
OK I spoke to the manufacturer and they replied that SA amps work for 8 Ohms in class A upto the specified wattage: SA100 -- 100W/ch SA50 -- 50W/ch SA250 is certainly 250W/ch. For lower load impedance they switch to A/B operation type to double the current.
Plinius 8200p is not identical to SA100 since it has lower switching point to the class B and that point is relatively high as well i.e. ~25...30W/ch of class A. I assume that these two units have completely different power supplies and heat sinks if you just take a look even on the pictures of them.
Plinius 8200 MKII has M14 preamp and 8200p poweramp integrated into one chasis with separate power supplies for each part.
Overall I can say that there is a Plinius sound signature on all of above stated but flagship SA series are more open worm and defined.
Despite working in class A on 8 Ohm loads all of Plinius models love the heavy speakers such as Thiel, JM Lab or Apogee and to my thought they do the best job on them.
I own an SA-250 MKIV and I can honestly say that there is a perceivable sound difference between AB and A (A sounds better, smoother).

I also tend to agree with HACKMASTER in that the amount of power required to drive the speakers will invariably affect whether or not you'll hear a difference between class AB and class A.

You’ll have to be able to stand the heat though. The Plinius amps run murderously hot in class A. You’ll see a difference in your power bill too. Happy listening!
My SA100 MKIII has just the slightest amount of grain in AB mode that is gone in A mode, also in class A there seems to be better definition, or maybe it is my imagination, it is that close. It sounds superb in both modes (driving Maggie 1.6s).
I had an SA100 III and had the same question, so I listened blindly as a friend switched the amp from A to AB with several different types of music. For each song, he switched the amp back and forth, and I indicated which I preferred. For all tests, I preferred the amp (no surprise) in class A. There was more bass, smoother top end (less grainy), and much better depth. For me the difference was big enough that I always preferred the amp in class A, by quite a bit.

I haven't heard the 8200, but I doubt that it sounds as good as the SA100 in class A.