Plethora of Schumann Resonance Devices

Tried an Acoustic Revive RR-77 a few years ago and have been duly impressed. Since then Acoustic Revive has replaced it with the RR-777 and now the RR-888. Kemp has an SR-Plug. Space Technology Laboratory (Canada) has come out with four different models and there are several different units on E-BAY from Indonesia, Bulgaria, England, etc. There's even a unit from Less EMF being marketed by Sears.

I'm somewhat naturally skeptical, but there's no denying that this little RR-77 box has made the single biggest improvement in my system than any other tweak I've tried (and I have tried a bunch through the years).

So given all the new Schumann based products out there, I would be interested in what's working and what's not. The price range in my personal survey runs between about $70.00 to well over 3 grand. Any help in sorting these products out would be (as always) appreciated.


Showing 1 response by davidpritchard

In one listening room I use two Acoustic Revive 77 devices on the wall behind the speakers and one behind the listener. Height placement is critical and in my room I tried 5 feet and found that 6' 8" above the floor gave the best results. I also use upgraded power supplies. The sound is distorted  if the units are not exactly between the speakers.

A second room uses the Telos wave generator. It ia a slightly different wavelength with more midrange bloom and less effect on highest frequencies. It is used on a dedicated headphone system!

By far the most advanced Schuman wave type generator is the Synergistic Research Atmosphere unit. By using two generated wavelenghts and pulsing them on and off, the user can greatly effect the sound in his room. It has a remote control function thru an Apple I Pad.
A most elegant, fexible, and practicle way to optimize the listening experience.

And since I enjoy music in my Honda Mini Van, I have an Acoustic Revive 777 mounted next to the ceiling in the vehicle. It even improves the sound here.

If you are serious about investigating improving you system's sound, I strongly recommend trying a Synergistic Research Atmosphere unit .Of the three units, it is the most powerful and adjustable. It is sold with a 30 day return option. I have not seen a used unit come up for sale at Audiogon. 
David Pritchard