Please tell me the wait will be work rack

The supply chain issues have certainly sucked. I am waiting for the LAST piece of my set rack. I’ve been waiting over a year for all my components to come in and the rack has been the longest wait. Please tell me it’s worth the time and $$$ or offer other options for consideration that may be more available. My brother offered Critical Mass but I am trying to save a few bucks, and not clear if they have the same supply issues. Appreciate your thoughts in advance.





"I personally implied genitals (I.e male dick)"


I wish I were that clever!  😂  Alas, that it not at all what I meant when I said "wooden sound".  I was just making a play on words since I had described using 2 x 4 wooden planks on top of cinderblocks for my stereo rack system.  That was, indeed, my very first stereo stand back in 1976.  Worked perfect for me all the way through my graduation from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in 1985!


Happy New Years and enjoy the music not the drama.



Oh Allen my friend 😂😂😂. Wooden, “rack🙂😙😙😙” in brackets 😂😂, I got you. And 1985? That like 40 years ago 😂. No worries. Stay hard and strong 😉 in the new year! Keep wooden, the wood burning!

@bigtwin - I hear you. I am not the handiest person but not a problem anchoring a rack. It looks nice, dig the design and black color.

@simao - my wife has sign-off on design and has "certain veto powers" she has already exercised. She has been open to most ideas but wanted "none of your stuff on the floor." We were going to put in recessed vertical rack into a closet wall adjacent to the Speakers. We could never find a contractor to help us get it done

@meadski  It's easy to get carried away with Black in this hobby.  Going off the reservation with a speaker grill to accent the rest of the room.  40" x 83" Garnet Red trimmed in dark Cherry.  Last system I'll ever build but I may need to build a last house to properly accomodate it all.  😂