Please tell me the wait will be work rack

The supply chain issues have certainly sucked. I am waiting for the LAST piece of my set rack. I’ve been waiting over a year for all my components to come in and the rack has been the longest wait. Please tell me it’s worth the time and $$$ or offer other options for consideration that may be more available. My brother offered Critical Mass but I am trying to save a few bucks, and not clear if they have the same supply issues. Appreciate your thoughts in advance.



Showing 3 responses by dodgealum

For me the rack for my gear is at the back of the line for upgrade dollars. I’m using a VTI rack (inexpensive, not very well made, passable) and picked up a few Symposium Svelte Shelves used to place under each component to enhance isolation. Works great and leaves me with funds to spend where a real difference can be heard.

@audiotroy Sorry guys, expensive racks are for suckers or folks with more money than sense who want added bling factor to impress their buddies. Can they improve performance, particularly in poorly constructed rooms with full range systems that generate lots of energy? Sure, maybe a little but at what cost and where could those dollars be spent more effectively? 

One caveat to my post—racks that are carrying a turntable are a different matter. Best is a wall mount shelf unless you are on the basement level in which case a higher quality rack offering superior isolation for the turntable is worthwhile. On a suspended floor a better quality rack for the turntable can help but the best option is usually a wall mount shelf.