Please talk me out of buying the Avalon Eclipse

I have found a good deal on these, never heard the Avalon speakers. Is the Eclipse  still a good speaker today? I say talk me out because I have to drive 12 hrs to get them!


Showing 3 responses by m-db

They're excellent speakers. Unfortunately, I believe the Eclipse tweeter is out of production.   

When I accidentally damaged a tweeter in one of my second hand Eidolons I sent them an email with my request and speaker serial numbers. They promptly emailed a purchase request. I printed it and filled it out, enclosed a check and mailed it off. I received the part within a reasonable amount of time. Chit chat? No.

In addition to their unbelievable musical presentation I simply haven't tired of looking at their stunning, most imitated cabinetry for almost fifteen years. When guests ask why they're positioned out in the middle of the room I simply drop the needle and, well... 


@celo My previous post reads as somewhat of a vote to purchase.

As content as I am with my Eidolons I'd pass on the Charles Hansen Eclipse.

I agree with the issues raised here:

They need plenty of room and proper amplifier matching. The missing shipping crates make transportation and resale difficult. Then there's the tweeter issue which could render them useless.   

Enjoy the season.