Please suggest a few really good classical recordings

After a somewhat scary number of years attending all sorts of musical performances ranging from avant garde jazz to Broadway shows to folk to pop to rock & roll to zydeco in every conceivable venue, we finally had the great good fortune to experience the Cleveland Symphony at Severance Hall this past Saturday.

While we've enjoyed Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Holst, Ravel, Stravinsky, Strauss and Tchaikovsky recordings, we'd never had an opportunity to listen to a live orchestra before.  This particular performance was of Sibelius' 1st with Susanna Malkki conducting, so as authentic as could reasonably be expected.  We quickly realized that the classical recordings we have simply don't do the material justice.

I have some MFSL, MasterWorks and Deutche Grammaphon pressings along with a few CDs of classical music.  To my ears, none of them really compared very well with pressings by those companies or others (Sheffield and various Japanese houses) of acoustic jazz, folk or rock.  Having read several comments here indicating that most classical recordings are not as good as they could be, I now finally understand why.  The basis of comparison was simply not there before.

So, please suggest a few recordings that might be worthy of the material.  Vinyl would be preferable, but CD or SACD are also fine.  Stuff we know really well includes the Brandenburg Concertos, Beethoven's 9th, Holst's Planets and Stravinsky's Firebird.  Those would be easiest for us to really grasp what we've been missing, but finding a great recording or three is the priority.  Thanks in advance and we look forward to your suggestions!

Showing 2 responses by rcprince

Agree with Newbee; his suggestions are good ones as well.  For the Firebird, that Dorati recording is about as good as I have heard of the piece.  the SACD is good; you can save some money on the vinyl by looking for the Classic Records reissue (maybe Analog Productions has done this one as well).on vinyl; dynamics to die for.  For The Planets, there are a number of vinyl reissues of the Mehta/LA Philharmonic recording on Decca/London that are excellent; just don't expect the sound to match what you hear in the concert hall.
Having been listening to them recently, I will add that the Reference Recordings SACDs of the Pittsburgh Symphony are very good, both musically and sonically, at least on the SACD layer.  I was particularly impressed by their new Shostakovich 5th recording (a few small interpretive surprises, but very impressive dynamics and clarity of instrumental lines), but the other recordings in the series are very good as well.