Please share photos of your Vinyl cabinet/shelving

Just picked up this cool record cabinet. Mid Century. Looks custom built. Red glass front and back.
Top pops up on right side. Probably started life as a Hi-Fi console.

I bought some hairpin legs and strip LED lights for the interior.

Please share your unique record shelving/cabinets.
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Showing 3 responses by bdp24

By 2015 quite a few musicians I had been involved with had died (still more have died since, including Evan Johns. John Wicks, and Emitt Rhodes), and I started seriously contemplating my own mortality (I'm no spring chicken). I looked at my racks of LP's and CD's (around 5,000 of each), and wondered to myself how many of them would I have time to listen to even once more in my remaining time on Earth. I went through them all, deciding which I could live without, and got rid of about 1,500 of each.

Then Covid hit, and with all upcoming gigs cancelled I started watching YouTube videos, where I discovered "The Vinyl Community". Record collectors of all stripes, making and posting videos about their favorite LP's, artists/bands, etc. I was introduced to both artists/bands I had either somehow missed in times past, or current ones I was unaware of. Thanks Vinyl Community (and the What's On Your Turntable Tonight posters here on Agon), now you have me again addicted. ;-) 

@boxcarman: Nope, it’s the QUAD ESL (with it’s front metal grill removed), introduced in 1957. If you manage to hear one, you WILL be impressed as hell. Like all other loudspeakers not without it’s faults and limitations, but it remains unmatched at reproducing the human voice and the timbre of acoustic instruments.

@noromance: Loudon! A favorite of mine.

I can’t post pics, but can safely recommend the EKET rack from (what else? ;-) Ikea. I have fifteen of the 4-cubicle EKET, stacked three high and five wide, each EKET secured to the one above and/or below it (Ikea offers a kit of parts for doing so). The total assembly (with optional but recommended feet) measures 7’2" tall by 11’6" wide, with sixty (15 x 4) 12-3/4" cubicles. Each cubicle is also 12-3/4" tall, just barely enough for jacketed-LP’s (which is fine with me. Less ability of dust to accumulate on them ;-) . The cubicles are 13" deep, which I prefer to the excessive (imo) depth of the Kallax---which also suffers (again, imo) from an open backside (come on in dust!). Each 4-cubicle EKET sells for $65 in white, $75 in blonde, light grey, and charcoal. The charcoal sold for $50 when I bought mine a few years ago, imo a great value.

I compared the EKET to Ikea’s slightly cheaper Kallax, and went with the former. More structurally sound; there are numerous accounts of Kallaxes collapsing under the significant weight of LP’s, but I have not seen a single report of an EKET collapsing. Some have added bracing to the back of the Kallax, which I would strongly suggest (as well as a back panel to keep out dust). Or running them from side wall to side wall, so that collapse is impossible. My EKET stacks are absolutely unmovable, feeling like they are a part of the room’s structure. I just hope my floor doesn’t collapse!