Please Recommend 5 ch Amp that...

is around $2000 used or new, 120W-150W per channel, and
preferably THX certified and with balanced in.

currently looking at Bryston 9b-thx, and really want one of these, but seems to be little bit over my budget...

Showing 2 responses by sogood51

The little Krell Kav-500 has those features (I own one) and can be bought for less than your price.

OR, check this power-house out

I don't know if it has balanced inputs and needs 20A outlet but for the cost you could add a dedicated line and be under $2,000.

Much better sounding than Bryston and a mid-range quality that Bryston only wished it had.

240 watts at 4 ohms. Note: I do not Know the seller of these amps.
