please help with tube amp thks

thinkin' on two amps,Music Reference RM-10 or a Morrow Audio 300B1.any help thks as i am a newby.

Showing 3 responses by 2bigears

thks Sbank,i have a SF CD1 with their Line2 and will be going with an open baffle speaker.maybe a sub on each side.the 300B1 sounds like it's full of good parts but does it play????thks for any help as i really need some good it once kinda thing!!!!
ok then,thks Swampwalker,rock is my main listen.female vocals and some easy stuff.what is a good tube amp for this???? thks
thks all,i was going to run a single out board speaker to start and see how that sounded.if a sub per channel was needed,add two active subs as i love real bass.the Bastanis speakers look very interesting and i have talked with Bill Allen about them.what concerns me is what Swamp said,a small tube will not do rock music.the RM-10 is 35 watts for 2k,the 300 is small watts,with high grade parts for 3k.both amps are highly old SF-2 would work good but 1000 dollars in tubes at cycle end scares me off.