Please help me with a purchasing decision

I have an opp to buy a Levinson 23.5, it will be replacing  a 431 that I have. 
The seller of 23.5 is not near me so audition is not possible. Is there anyone who owned both of these amps and share their experiences please? 

Is is there something I need to be aware off about 23.5?

Many Thanks in advance. 

Showing 2 responses by audiomaster

Thanks for your reply, hope you are a regular and you will see this.

i ended up getting a JRDG 102, and have no regrets, and wondering why is that amp has not received the kind of recognition it deserves. 
J = Joy 
R = Relax
D = Detailed
G = Goosebumps 

I am sure these four elements complete JRDG.