Please help me tame the bass beast

I own the Joseph Audio RM50si's which go all the way down to 20Hz. My preamp is the Classe SSP-75 and the amp is the Classe CAV-150. CD is Sony SCD 777. The 75 does not have controls to turn down the bass level. What can I do accoustically to eliminate such an annoying rumble in the mid bass. I moved them around the room but nothing seemed to really make a difference. Is the problem the amp or the speakers or the room. I have read reviews on this site and people seem to think Classe amps deliver a lot of muddy bass. The low bass frequencies seem to be okay, it is really the mid bass that is the problem. If I sit really close it is better but not great. What can I do?? My room is rectangular 18x12. Please offer me some suggestions. They are great speakers except for this problem.

Showing 1 response by soix

I agree you've probably got too much speaker for the room with your current setup since you can't alleviate the problem with placement(I'm assuming you've tried pulling the speakers out at least 5 feet into the room).

If it were me, my first step would be to plug the ports in varying degrees to see if that helps. After that I'd try some tube traps in the corners. I'd try these two ideas first because they're likely your least costly options and may work.

If that didn't work I'd seriously consider either a)new speakers(maybe trade for the new JA RM33?) or as Plato mentioned get the TacT room correction system. I have absolutely no doubt the TacT will completely alleviate any midbass hump you're experiencing(along with many other frequency and phase anomolies), and it will likely take your system to another level of enjoyment. I've heard what the TacT 2.0 has done for several systems and it is quite simply astonishing.

Personally I'd lean toward the TacT because the RM50s are incredible speakers you probably don't want to part with, but I'd also make sure I had a helpful dealer because optimizing the TacT can be very time consuming/frustrating for the uninitiated. Best of luck.
