Please help, I'm worried about my Koetsu Urushi

I recently bought an used Koetsu Urushi cartridge to replace my Ortofon Jubilee. The guy who sold it to me graded it 9/10 and it sounds great. But now I'm starting to suspect that the cartridge isn't as new as I was told. I'm suspecting this because the cantilever seems to be a tad soft which results in that the gap between the record and the cartridge is (too?) narrow.

The thing is, I have nothing to compare with. I don't know how it's supposed to look. Maybe one of you guys can help me out, and explain how it's supposed to be and if a small gap between the record and cartridge is a sign that the cartridge is worn out and something to worry about.

Again, it really sounds great.. But my brain seems unable to relax because of this.

Thanks in advance!

Showing 1 response by rauliruegas

Dear Ingemar: The Koetsu cartridges normally rides really low/narrow to the record.

The most important subject is that " it really sounds great ". I think that you don't have to worry about.
Btw, do you have any trouble with it, like mistracking?

Regards and enjoy the music.