Please help Finding Good Spike for Totem T4S

I have accident got trouble with spikes which come with Totem T4S. I have lost some of them during move to my new house. So, I think it's time to tweak to better spikes for Totem T4S. However, I'm not sure about Thread that suitable for it. (I'm not sure it's suitable for 1/4" or M8 or 3/8") If anyone know or can recommend me good spikes. Please let me know.
I got some nice spikes from the ebay seller ronays-tweaks. You will need to know your thread - I would suggest asking the speaker manufacturer.

You can but not in the same thread sizes. Partsexpress only had the spikes I wanted in M6 but I needed 1/4" x 20.

If you need M6 then I would go with parts express because they are cheaper.


Thanks you very much for every suggestion. I've looked in part-express. It's very interesting. Really Thank you guys.

However, I still dont know about my Thread size. -_-!

They are probably M6.Go to Home Depot or Lowes and get an M6 bolt and see if it fits.