Please help a rookie –used amps for magnepan 3.7?

This is my first post on any kind of audio forum, so I apologize in advance for my ignorance if I’m violating any convention/etiquette etc. I love music, but confessed to being overwhelmed regarding all the technical development since the days of tubes.

I am planning to buy some Magnepan 3.7 speakers. I don’t think I can afford to buy the ideal amplifier for my system right now, and would very much appreciate any advice or suggestions about what sort of used amplifier set up would be the best compromise between cost and sound quality for the near term.

I use both digital and analog sources and have Audio Research LS17SE tube pre amp and Bryston DAC and 8 year-old Rotel RB 980 BX amplifiler, which I believe is rated at 125 W. This set up has worked well with my current Vandersteen II ce speakers.

My local audio dealer told me that for the maggies I should get an amp with at least 200 W of power and suggested an Audio Research DS 225, which I could buy used for $3,900. This is a bit more than I would like to spend, however if the consensus of the group is this is the best option I could start saving towards this.

Alternatively, I was wondering if there might be a slightly less expensive amplifier suggestion somewhere closer to $2,500? (I might be able slip that one as my wife with minimal angst).

I’ve always been interested in the idea of separate mono block amplifiers. From my admittedly uninformed perspective, the logic of separate amps, potentially located closer to the speakers seem reasonable, however I have no idea if that’s accurate or even an option I should consider. Maybe I should consider getting another Rotel RB 980 like the one I have now, which I think should be fairly inexpensively – does that make sense?

I very much appreciate any and all advice and suggestions from the knowledgeable members of this community.

Thanks, Mike

Showing 2 responses by raymonda

I drive my 3a's with Rogue 120's and feel they do a great job and give me a bit more flesh and timbre than any SS I've used. The next best amp I've used with them was a Classe'. If you can find a Classe 201 I think you will be very happy. Rogue M180's would also be a good match if you wanted to go tubing.
Since you have settle on SS then you absolutely must consider Classe 201 or 200. It will be a great match with your Maggie's. It will leave you not wanting for more or second guessing, really!

Thank me later!