Please give me your 2 cents...budget 30-50k

I am building my second home theater/music room. My previous attempt was extreemly expensive (in excess of 100k) and I sold my house and the system prior to using. I am attempting to cover both music and theater without going crazy. I am concerned about buying used gear, maybe it's not a valid concern but it's mine.

I have other systems in the house family, master bedroom, home office. This system will be in my guest house/ personal space, billards, bar, music, sports, etc.

I am considering Aerial speakers (7b,8b, or 9) Revel, B&W, Sonus Faber, Vienna...

Amps and pre/pro???? Proceed, Krell, Parasound Halo sereis, ATI, others?

Front projector HD 2 Runco, Sharp 12000, Marantz, Dwinn??

I have a varity of dealers here in Scottsdale Az. I look forward to your input.
Video, my theory on video is to buy at the last possible second and buy the cheapest projector you can use and still enjoy watching your material. The reason for this is technology changes so fast, you will probably want a new projector in 3 years no matter how much you spend on it.

Audio. I think you should also check out the vandersteen line.

2 5A's or 5's
2 or4 VSM Sig surrounds, with 2 2WQ subwoofers
1 LFE Sub, your choice :). Make it one that can kick but though, as you will have all the "musical" subs you will ever need.

With this setup, you will have flat frequency response in all speaker positions down to 20HZ. You will also be able to play music every bit as well as HT.

As far as amps go, I had good results with the Theta Dreadnaught II. My system is like the one described above.

As far as prepros go, If you are really serious about music, I would get a cheaper prepro and buy a high quality cd player and a good 2 channel preamp. You will get better sound in 2 channel than the best SSP can provide and you will spend a lot less. If you just want one box to do it all and not try to optimize your 2 channel sq, I would look into Theta, Meridian and Lexicon. You will be giving up a lot of sound/$ spent by doing this in my opinion though. I own a Theta btw...
If you're going to go the cheaper surround processor route -- I would suggest the Anthem AVM20. Much less expensive than the Lexicon, and
you have to go up to something like the Lexicon to beat it -- for Home
Theatre. Now, take the savings and buy a two channel pre-amp and you
*will* get better two channel music performance and home theatre performance will also be great. But, i agree -- if you want a one box solution and if Home Theate is of equal or greater importance -- get something like the Lexicon MC12B.
You guys have been great! My new fear is setup. I have always paid out the a## for this and if I build this system on my own are there people who will dial in a system for me? If I go with a local shop I will be forced to use what they sell which limits my options.

I am considering the Krell FPB 700 to drive either the 802's or 800 sig, or the Wilson Watt 6. Lexicon 12b as my prepro. Any thoughts?
That sounds like a nice system. Shouldn't be that hard to set it up.
Tuning it to the room is another story. Here's what I would do. I would
buy all of those components used. All of them appear regularly on
Audiogon and can be had for about 60% of MSRP. Take the savings and
hire an independant acoustics consultant to tune your system to the room. I would also make sure to install dedicated circuits to your system and do something about your AC. I would recommend Balanced Power Technologies BP-3.5 for your system. I doubt you'll find one used -- spring for a new one. It's the last one you'll ever buy.

Sabailey I owned the B&w N803 liked them, sold them and bought the Dynaudio's Contour's and love them.