Please Educate Me

If I can’t find the answer here, I won’t find it anywhere. 

Something I’ve wondered about for a long time: The whole world is digital. Some huge percentage of our lives consists of ones and zeros. 

And with the exception of hi-fi, I don’t know of a single instance in which all of this digitalia isn’t yes/no, black/white, it works or it doesn’t. No one says, “Man, Microsoft Word works great on this machine,” or “The reds in that copy of Grand Theft Auto are a tad bright.” The very nature of digital information precludes such questions. 

Not so when it comes to hi-fi. I’m extremely skeptical about much that goes on in high end audio but I’ve obviously heard the difference among digital sources. Just because something is on CD or 92/156 FLAC doesn’t mean that it’s going to sound the same on different players or streamers. 

Conceptually, logically, I don’t know why it doesn’t. I know about audiophile-type concerns like timing and flutter. But those don’t get to the underlying science of my question. 

I feel like I’m asking about ABCs but I was held back in kindergarten and the computerized world isn’t doing me any favors. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some work to do. I’ll be using Photoshop and I’ve got it dialed in just right. 

Showing 10 responses by glupson

"This question had been asked many times before and, as I suspected, the consensus was that it wasn’t a good idea. But, almost invariably, the OP was torn limb from limb for having the temerity to waste the valuable time of random Audiogon users."

What question?

”Conceptually, logically, I don’t know why it isn’t.”

Doesn’t that invite a response, doesn’t that ask somebody to inform me why it does?
No, it does not. It is a part of your musings, not a question by any means.

"Glupson, you got me. A triumph of form over content. As punishment I hereby ban myself from this forum."

No need for punishment. Some of us are just not good with either form, or content. You are not the only one who exhibited deficiencies in both here. I was not out to get you, I will happily return you to wherever you came from. It is just that I have low tolerance for bragrants who call others’ lives and plates whatever you called them.

"Repeat: OP asks a reasonable question."

OP, in fact, did not ask a question. She/he posted her/his musings and informed us of activities.

"...infinitesimally small sense superiority..."

"...infinitesimally small sense of superiority..."

It is not a big difference. It only gives those who questioned your writing a little more credibility and your baffling response to them a tiny bit more silly.
" the hope of gaining a small, small, infinitesimally small sense superiority..."
You could not have said it better. That is exactly how that post of yours comes across.

By the way, now when we know you are an accomplished and self-confident writer, would you say that...

"...a small, small, infinitesimally small sense superiority..."

would be slightly more polished if it were...

"...a small, small, infinitesimally small sense of superiority..."

Some of us are lurking here in the hope of gaining a small, small, infinitesimally small knowledge of any possible kind.
"What are you taking about?I guess english is your third language maybe."
These two do not look that fluent, either.
"We understand what it is doing but we can not listen to it."

Whose posts are you talking about?
Does Microsoft still own HDCD standard (or whatever that is called)? They would know the difference between Word and CD.