Please disclose your commercial affiliation

I am not going to mention names or products, but I think most Audiogoneers have read a number of product reviews or threads and have wondered if the writer is one way or the other commercially associated with that product.

I number of folks do sometimes do push a product so hard or vehemently defend any negative comments about a particular product in way that actually revels their affiliation.

Insiders, you know who you are.

Would you agree that if you are associated with a product, it is fair to the community to disclose your affiliation

Showing 1 response by jadem6

This is a great question and not so easy to answer. I am a hobbyist first, I developed some cables and then posted it as a DIY review. After a lot of people asking me to build these, despite the fact I gave the complete formula in the review, I became a manufacturer of Jade Audio cables. Prior to becoming a manufacturer I was very active on Audiogon writing reviews, extensive threads on my latest experiments, and often felt I had something to add.

When I started manufacturing, I for the most part quit posting, for fear of being blamed of trying to slant a discussion, even when the discussion has nothing to do with my products. I know I took it to an extreme, but I do out of my great distaste for those who are very suspiciously having their products pop up in discussions. I do not imagine it is very hard for one guy to have many monikers assuming they have different email addresses, and if they want, use friends mailing addresses. This could be why some threads seem to never end, yet only ten or fifteen people do the talking, for years! Hmmmm.

Anyway, the problem with my approach is I believe the Audiogon community suffers by my lack of participation. I’m not saying I am all that, but I do have some good sound experience that I enjoyed sharing. Would an identifying mark make me post again? I’m not sure, I still would not like my reputation hurt by people feeling I had an addenda, so it still requires me to choose the appropriate thread to enter.

The flip side of this is my experiences developing cables, or others experience in the business could add great credibility to their thoughts, but only if those people are not hiding an addenda. I guess it then comes down to people judging if this person is offering their experience or their product. At least with some identifier people can make a proper judgment, where now they are clueless. This could not be a bad thing.

This does not solve the real problem posters however. Those who are not identifying who they actually are, or those who have multiple identities. It also does not identify those who might have some side deal, or receive some benefit for pimping a product. Are these associated people, or is this just life? Again it comes down to people using logic to determine if the amount of discussion matches the reality.

In the end, I am fully supportive of using an identifier to help us know who is who. I think I would feel better about re-joining the forums, something I dearly miss. For me it will still be a difficult ethical question, but at least I could not be called out for hiding my association.

Jade Audio, LLC