Please compare the following headphones

I am considering the following headphones:
AKG K 240 Studio
AKG K 271 Studio
Sennheiser HD 280 Pro
Sennheiser HD 600
I would imagine that the HD 600s are in a different league. These phones will be primarily used in a portable system consisting of an ipod and a Antique Sound Lab or Musical Fidelity headphone amp and I don't know if this type of use benifits from the HD 600s. Thanks for any help that you can provide.
Csericks - As long as you're using one of those amps with the Ipod - the Senn 600s will sound AMAZING. The Senn 600s are one of high-end audio's best products. Near reference quality sound in a phone that you can get for $200 used. You could spend 10s of thousands of dollars on a stereo rig trying to get this type of sound. Granted, an amp is necessity, but it doesn't have to be expensive. I use the ASL MG Head. Absolutely love the combo. Vinyl through this combo is unbelievable.

I found a pair of Sony MDR-SA 3000's on ebay. The list is $350, but can be had new for about 175.00 on ebay at times. This is a really good sounding phone to my ears. I like them more than the AKG 501's I had and the Grado 325's. I still like the Senn 600 for the smoother mids and fuller bass, especially at low levels...but, the MDR SA 3000 has the refinement and definition of the 600's... better dynamic drive than the 600 without the forwardness of the Grado's. Bass fall's a bit short of the Senn,( hard to beat the Senns here for full bass response) but the 3000 has better integration and bass tone and are more transparent. I have been listening to them for about a week now and haven't had the desire to rush back to the 600.You will still want an amp with these. They are very comfortable also.

Keep us posted on what phones you ultimately get.;)
I had the HD280 Pro. I used it on my Iriver H340 player.

Sound great to me.

I think you will like the HD600. The sound is more refined.
I strongly recommend the Senn 650s; I had the 600s & find
the 650s much more alive with much better definition of
individual instruments. The 650s have a street price of