Please compare the following headphones

I am considering the following headphones:
AKG K 240 Studio
AKG K 271 Studio
Sennheiser HD 280 Pro
Sennheiser HD 600
I would imagine that the HD 600s are in a different league. These phones will be primarily used in a portable system consisting of an ipod and a Antique Sound Lab or Musical Fidelity headphone amp and I don't know if this type of use benifits from the HD 600s. Thanks for any help that you can provide.
The AKGs are very nice but I must say, if you can swing it, purchase the Sennheiser HD600s. I use mine with my iPod through the Headphone Section of my Cary SLI-80 and love them.

I have owned AKG's, Grados, and BeyerDynamics but the HD600s are really special. Not to mention, very comfortable.

Good Luck!

I know the AKG K240 and I can tell you they sound quite 'flat'... I believe they are good for someone who is DJ'ing perhaps. Although this one is rugged, there are far more dynamic and transparent headphones out there.

I don't have extensive listening experience with the Senn HD600, but I CAN say that it's a MUCH better headphone than the AKG K240.
Craig, the best place to go for information on all things headphone related is
Craig, Let's factor in prices, OK? 240s run well under $100 new. I've owned and loved mine for 10 years without a hiccup, and they are well-used. The cable is fully intact, no noise or other untoward behavior in 10+ years of ownership. One caveat: the AKGs have a 600 ohm impedance and thus may not play well depending on the amp or HP connection. Most CD players are not up the task. FWIW, my CDR unit swings a healthy volume and sounds pretty good. I did procure a tube amp with a HP jack for experimentation, but haven't even tried it yet since I have had such good results with the player as is. I do have a decent xport and use a Monarchy DIP upstream which undoubtedly helps.
That said, you pay for what you get, and the Senns are going to play at the next level--or higher. Many choices, and many factors in making those choices.

I see AKG makes a lower impedance version now that should mate better with more gear. Less of a 'Pro' product I'd say. And they are well made [see above]. I've wanted to tout the AKG brand for awhile, so thanks for the thread. AKG was founded in 1947, holds 1500+ patents, and employs 60+ engineers. How many audio companines have that kind of history? Good luck in your search
ok been throught this alot. First ck out That is where you want to be looking. Of what you are looking at the 600 are the best. But also take alot of power that a ipod can't provide to make them sing. You will get much better results if you use a headphone amp with them. If you want a bigger headphone I highly recomend the a-900 I had a set for a while, the bass is easy to drive which is the ipods needs. Also clear and the best bang for the buck just limited distributers in the US. Are you using this at home, work or do you need it portable? What is your price range I can better give you advice.

A headphone amp really makes the ipod sound about 35% better, much more than running uncompressed music, the ipod seems to have a lock up issue with big files.