Playing the wifes music choices

Okay guys,
1. Does your wife use the system to listen to her music or do you play it for her?
2. Do you stay in the room to listen to what she is playing even if it is love songs, like Air supply or Kenny G type music?

I play what ever my wife wants and yes I stay in the room.
My wife feels the system is too complicated and changes too often for her to keep up with it.

Showing 1 response by glenfihi

The primary system in the " cave" she won't even attempt to use. Our family room and bedroom system finally after many times of showing her how easy it really is she will use. For her enjoyment and the protection of the system I always go over the use of the gear.

We will at times listen to music together, but it is hard to get her to sit and listen for any real length of time. I wish she just listen and enjoy the music more be it her choice or mine.