Playing the wifes music choices

Okay guys,
1. Does your wife use the system to listen to her music or do you play it for her?
2. Do you stay in the room to listen to what she is playing even if it is love songs, like Air supply or Kenny G type music?

I play what ever my wife wants and yes I stay in the room.
My wife feels the system is too complicated and changes too often for her to keep up with it.

Showing 6 responses by chadnliz

No you cant do that Bander, it wont give insecure guys a feeling of being "above" wifey.......sad but true.
I wish Liz would just focus on how easy any system is to use, I also wish my mom would so she could use my dads system and I wouldnt get calls when he is out of town.
2 things I will never understand, why women think gear is so complex and why men are glad they do has always baffled me.
What do men think if they taught their wife they would suddenly lose some sort of "power"? There is nothing about any system that is beyond the average woman of grasping and I suspect most women just play stupid so they dont have to get involved with it all...........they are much smarter then many give them credit for, plus some men need an ego stroke so the women act stupid to feed the poor bastards need for comfort over his fragile insecurity.
I wish women knew more about it all so they could enjoy it, help clean and maintain it.......and respect it more.
Instead countless men look like nerds while their wives roll their eyes and dismiss the husbands inner nerd.
It isnt complicated, its a little more than a couple buttons and dials in a certain order.......even with vinyl.
That wasnt intended for the wives who have no interest many dont but it is for the dbags that act like its this complex rack of electronics that if not operated properely will open some sort of worm hole or cause Atoms to colide and create some Universal death hole.
Its a stereo............A STEREO, get over it guys.
Slow news day if your offended by me calling NOBODY in particular a non proafane name, its a generic term for a type of person I am sure is out there. If your actually offended then I salute you cause your life must be pretty good to take issue with something so meaningless.
I didnt call any one person a guys will bend over backwards to get pissed about something.
Look the bottom line is this hobby is full of odd birds, nerds and opionated ego maniacs. There is also some very normal and extremely fun and intelligent folks aswell.
There are D'bags, idiots, Aholes, nerds, geeks and social misfits galore in these waters (go to a show and look around if you doubt me) there is also as noted plenty of perfectly normal folks aswell so figure out where you fit and rock on.
I am a nerd about this, all happy men are nerds about something be it this, trains, stamps, hunting, even Harley guys are nerds in leather.
As if this hobby isnt small enough now we are down to turning on eachother...............really?
Ofcourse if you are a D'bag, geek, Ahole or a social misfit then I am sorry. :)